Southern Highlands Youth Arts Council

When you perform live on stage,
anything is possible.

SHYAC is the place for young performers of the Southern Highlands to explore the stage. Acting, writing, and exploring the art of live performance with their peers while being led by highly experienced mentors.

Every year we offer short-form and long-term opportunities to take part in SHYAC productions and workshops.

Upcoming Events


Notice is hereby given that SHYAC Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 14 June at 6.15pm at Moss Vale Services Club – Acacia Room


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Ordinary Business


  1. Opening of meeting and welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
  4. Presentation of 2023 Treasurer’s Report
  5. Presentation of President’s Report
  6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee
  7. Vote of thanks to outgoing Committee members – Executive and General
  8. Urgent general business
  9. Closure


SHYAC 2024 Events