Certificate of Currency

2023 – 2024

The contract of insurance is arranged by Miramar Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd (‘Miramar’) (ABN 97 111 534 797, AFSL 314176)
acting under a binding authority as agent for the Insurer(s), certain underwriters at Lloyd’s and HDI Global Specialty SE –
Australia (ABN 58 129 395 544, AFSL 458776).
Address: PO Box A2016 Sydney South NSW 1235
Telephone: 02 9307 6600
Miramar General & Products Liability Insurance
The Insured: Southern Highlands Youth Arts Council Inc.
Policy Number: -142131
Period of Insurance: 26 April 2023 to 26 April 2024
both days inclusive at 4.00pm local standard time
Business Description: Not for profit organisation engaged in Arts, Craft and Cultural activities; including
exhibitions, community group events, workshops and related activities as declared
Activities Declared:
1-2 Large Musical Theatre Productions. 1-2 Holiday Workshops for Youth.
Limit of Liability: General Liability: $20,000,000 Any one Occurrence
Products Liability: $20,000,000 In the aggregate for all claims during any
one Period of Insurance
Abuse Liability: Not Insured In respect of any one claim or series of
claims, and in aggregate during one
Period of Insurance
Policy Wording: Miramar General and Products Liability Insurance Policy Wording – MIR GPL 0522
Geographical Limits: Worldwide excluding: North America; North Korea; Iran; and Cuba.
Insurer(s): certain underwriters at Lloyd’s (90.00%) B0429BA2200610
HDI Global Specialty SE – Australia (10.00%) MIR/2022
Additional Insured: Nil Advised
For Miramar Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd as agent for the Insurer(s)
Issue Date: 19 April 2023
This Certificate of Currency is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights on the certificate holder,
This Certificate of Insurance does not form part of the terms and conditions of the Policy and does not amend, extend, replace
or alter the terms, conditions, definitions, limits or exclusions contained therein. Please read the Policy Wording, Schedule
and other documents forming the Policy for the terms and conditions of cover.
This Certificate of Currency is provided as a summary of cover only and is current as at the date of the issue. The Policy may
be subsequently altered or cancelled in accordance with its terms after the date of issue of this notice without further notice
to the holder of this notice.